Progressive Business Services
What is “MicroProximity” Targeting?
Quality Targeting Equation based on “User Location Data”.
Popular MicroProximity Targeting Strategies
These are some of the many ways to leverage MicroProximity targeting for your campaign.
Reach consumers while they’re at specific locations, stores, offices, etc.
Bring potential customers in or ask them to come back when they’re nearby.
Bring potential customers in or ask them to come back when they’re nearby.
Targeting Options
Where they’re located now.
E.g., Users within 100 meters of a Starbucks right now.
MicroProximity + LookBack
Where they’re located now and following them home
E.g., Users who are targeted while they are at a location, and the ability
to retarget them later.
LookBack Only
Where they were previously located
E.g., Target users after they have been at a location within LookBack window options.
Decimal Point Location Data
Precise real-time location data, to reach marketing based audiences, requires a minimum of 4 decimal places.
We use 5 place precision allowing us to accurately target small venues with precision.
5 Decimal Places = ~1 meter: Accurately located inside a small venue or coffee shop
4 Decimal Places = ~10 meters: Outside a small venue or coffee shop
3 Decimal Places = ~100 meters: Football field away from the target venue.
2 Decimal Places = ~1,000 meters: Over 1KM away from your target venue
Competitor “Geofence” technology truncates the coordinates down to 2-3 decimals
Reach consumers while they’re visiting your competitor’s locations.