Progressive Business Services
What is “Device ID (DID)” Targeting?
Utilizing the consumer’s unique, specific device to gather consumer profile data in order to deliver targeted, relevant brand messaging/offers.Advanced spatiotemporal mapping provides advertisers with real-time audience insight.
Local Device Heatmap
National Device Heatmap
Audience Insight Report
DID Targeting Products
Device ID Address Match:
This product uses the DID Targeting location data to match device IDs to physical addresses. Client must provide address list of at least 5K addresses.
DID Targeting:
This product uses DID targeting data to identify mobile devices (users) that have been in target locations during customizable, specified timeframes. We build polygons around any location to create custom audiences targetable no matter where that user goes after their visit. By targeting the device ID we have high quality, real human user data to deliver your marketing/brand message.
*Each campaign type comes with an Audience Insight Report
Popular DID Targeting Strategies
These are some of the many ways to leverage DID targeting for your campaign.
Reach consumers who have visited target locations in the past, regardless of where they are now.
Reach consumers who have visited your competition’s locations.
Link device IDs to home address, and vice versa.
Expanded audience segments that include other devices in the household and/or audience members with the same demographic and behavioral attributes.
Foot Traffic/Point of Interest (POI) Attribution
Create a separate set of polygons to determine which device IDs enter a geofence of store locations/points of interest and match them to the device IDs targeted in the campaign.
Purchase USPS addresses of device IDs targeted and device IDs seen entering the POI geofence after being served an impression.
DID Targeting Impact
Device ID (DID) Targeting
How many device IDs do I need in order to run a campaign with significant reach?It always depends on the budget and flight dates, but we recommend a minimum of 50,000 device IDs per segment as a conservative baseline estimate. Audiences can always be expanded by utilizing the household extension and lookalike technologies.
How is user privacy protected? Are there restrictions by industry?The location data is collected by individual user apps with individual user agreements per app, so its all opt-in. There are no official restrictions by industry, but we recommend NOT targeting K-12 schools in order to avoid any potential violations of the Children’s Online Privacy Protection (COPPA) Regulations.
Can we exclude employees and/or business owners who frequent my target locations(s)?YES. We can see the frequency of each device ID matched to a location and timeframe, and can exclude users deemed to be employees and/or business owners.